Unfortunately, he didn’t make it, blown up by a mine,” he wrote. “Sending an unmanned kamikaze tank filled with 6 tons of TNT to Ukrainian positions in Mariinka. Osvedomitel said the tank hit a mine before reaching its target. On Sunday, a prominent Russian war blogger, “Voennyi Osvedomitel,” shared a video from the pro-Russia “Romanov” channel of drone footage that shows the tank detonating. A moment before the tank explodes, there appears to be a flash coming from Ukrainian positions, which may have been an attempt to destroy the tank. There is then a huge explosion, but it’s unclear why. “The explosion was very serious, there were a lot of explosives … as a result, according to radio intercept data, the enemy suffered significant losses,” he added.ĭrone video shows the tank static after apparently hitting a mine close to Ukrainian lines.

Drone video shows the tank static after apparently hitting a mine close to Ukrainian lines.